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January 1, 2009

Introductory Statement

(Originally published for the launch of the English edition of the Proplyon blog on February 3, 2010, 22:32 CEST)

Before this young blog begins to make its first steps, I would like to say a few words in addition to the short profile on the left, regarding my intentions with this blog.

As already mentioned in summary, I will publish my thoughts on topics and events of my personal as well as professional fields of interest. I will, in particular, try to cover topics which I find interesting to an extent that I want to provide my personal opinion and that they may be worth absorbing the precious time of those that take the trouble to read them.

The topics will probably comprise good ol’ politics, history, defence, religion and philosophy as well as general matters - as far as one can predict what may be of interest to oneself.

Provided that I have the required time, I will publish entries in German and English. However, I want to emphasise that I do not intend to submit to the necessity of a fixed deadline or regularity. Therefore, I ask for the understanding of the reader, should more time elapse until the next entry is published than the reader expects.

I wish all visitors to this site an interesting reading and hope that he or she will treat possible mistakes in terms of spelling, grammar or expressions with clemency, as English is not my native language. Notices, suggestions and opinions are most welcome. However, I reserve the humble right to chose which comments remain on this site.