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March 23, 2010

Namibia - Developing a Small, Highly Mobile and Professional Force

Interview with the Namibian Defence Minister, Maj.Gen. (rtd) Namoloh

As the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) approaches its 20th anniversary in 2010, the country still faces many challenges resulting from a range of complex issues, including the process of integrating former opponents, a general lack of resources and the demanding ongoing task of maintaining and improving defence capabilities. Last year, the Namibian Ministry of Defence (MoD) launched a five-year Strategic Plan to effectively meet current and future challenges. Nicolas von Kospoth of talked to the Namibian Defence Minister, the Honourable Maj. Gen. (rtd) Charles DNP Namoloh[1], about the ongoing development of the NDF’s capabilities and the Defence Force’s prospects.

NvK: The Namibian Defence Force (NDF) is comparably young, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2010. What have been the main challenges during these first years in creating a unified and capable Defence Force in terms of personnel and equipment?

Namoloh: The main challenges were to mold and unify young men and women who were trained to hate and kill each other into a national defence force which the Namibian people can be proud of. The other issue was to depoliticise them by banning displays of political party colours (flags), songs and active participation in political party rallies. What they were not prevented to do was to vote or belong to a political party of their choice.

NvK: How do you assess the progress of the past years in consolidating the armed forces and in meeting the country’s defence requirements?

Namoloh: Progress can be measured in that, despite our background, no blood was shed between the erstwhile enemies. NDF members have reconciled very well and set an example for the whole nation. Loyalty to the government of the day in accordance with democratic norms was fostered. Training institutions were established, although the country still relies on training from partner countries. I can say that a lot still remains to be done, such as establishing our own staff college and other training institutions.

NvK: With the Strategic Plan for the period of 2009-2013 you have created a document in line with the Government’s “Vision 2030” plan. What are the key pillars of this strategic plan to further support the positive development of the NDF?

Namoloh: The MoD Strategic Plan’s pillars are essentially four strategic themes upon which the plan is built. They are as follows:

(1) Governance and Service;
(2) Operational Excellence;
(3) Capacity Building;
(4) Resource Mobilization and Management.

Good governance determines the quality of life of citizens and corporations, as well as the quality of relations between ethnic groups, communities, regions and within the nation as a whole. It plays an important role in attaining the goals of the Vision 2030.

Operation Excellence is a result of the efficient business processes of the MoD. The main objective of this category is to ensure the sustained capability and readiness of the Namibian Defence Force and equipment for efficient deployment against any perceived or actual threat.

Capability Building means that efficient defence requires four basic elements: (i) human resources, (ii) infrastructure and facilities, (iii) military hardware and supplies, and (iv) intelligence and information support. The main objective of this category is to operate a strategic human resources plan that maintains relevant staff capacity at all levels of the MoD operations linked to its resource.

With regard to Resource Mobilisation and Management, one must consider that the MoD has been operating within the parameters of resource constraints. While the Institution has had consistent annual budgets, given current realities and trends, the resource level is not sufficient to effectively position the organisation at the cutting edge of its mission. There is inadequacy in a number of areas including a broadly qualified work force, working conditions, key military hardware, and infrastructure and support facilities.

The main objective of Resource Mobilisation and Management is to correct the mismatch between MoD budget and strategies to ensure adequate resource levels, priorities, linkages and controls.

NvK: Namibia is a country with a huge variety of landscapes and climatic conditions and has long borders which are difficult to watch and control. How does the NDF cope with these challenges and in what way can you benefit from being part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in this regard?

Namoloh: Indeed, Namibia’s landscape is manifold and presents challenges for defence. In addition to this, it is a relatively vast country with a small population. We have plans to respond to these challenges. With regard to what benefit we can get being part of SADC, I can say that being a member of the SADC mutual Defence Pact minimises the possibility of an inter-regional armed conflict since we have mechanisms to address defence and security issues affecting the region and the world. However, I should add that being a member of SADC does not absolve us from addressing our national security as well as to defend our region as the price of collective defence. Most importantly, it provides instruments for confidence building measures between member states.

NvK: One of the most important assets of the Air Force is the Chinese-built FT-7 fighter aircraft. How did you tackle the integration process of a supersonic fighter into the Air Force and how is the military co-operation of the NDF with China proceeding in general?

Namoloh: The NDF is in the process of modernising its equipments. The Namibia Air Force was preceded by the NDF Air Wing, which was equipped with the US-donated Cessna aircraft and some helicopters purchased from other countries [2]. As a sovereign state we buy from countries which meet our requirements and are ready to do business with us in an honourable manner and with mutual respect. [The Minister would not further comment on matters of military co-operation with China. – Ed.]

NvK: Obviously the Namibian Navy significantly benefits from the co-operation with Brazil. Does this bilateral friendship extend to other services of the NDF and can you give any details on future steps and prospects regarding this particular co-operation?

Namoloh: Indeed, we have an agreement with Brazil which was signed in the mid 1990’s and includes, among others, development of the Maritime Wing to a fully fledged Navy. This was achieved through training of commanders at various levels as well as naval staff officers. The process of implementation is still in full swing. With regard to whether the bilateral agreement is extended to other services, my answer is no. I should, however, add that there is nothing that prevents us from buying assets for other services from Brazil, and when you buy new assets you will need training to operate those assets.

NvK: Some of the military equipment of the NDF is ageing and may not be enough in terms of quantity to meet the requirements of such a large country. Are you considering any further procurement or modernisation of equipment during the next five years?

Namoloh: The Namibian Defence Force, like other militaries, is facing the future with ageing equipments. Most of the equipment in the NDF’s arsenal was donated by the SWAPO [3] and was rather suited for non-conventional warfare. The procurement is dictated by need but constrained by limited resources. Namibia, like other countries, was affected by the global economic downturn. Besides this, national defence is competing for financial resources with other government programmes such as education, health and many others. The will to modernise, therefore, will be affected by the priority to address other national programmes by the government.

NvK: Do you see any opportunities of establishing military co-operation with European countries? Would you wish for an increased co-operation and exchange of experience with Western armed forces?

Namoloh: Namibia is ready to co-operate with any country, European countries included. As an example, the integration and training of members of the Namibian Defence Force was carried out with the help of the United Kingdom. The Federal Republic of Germany is also providing the NDF with material and training through the German Advisory Team based in Windhoek. NDF members continue to receive training from many Western countries, including the US, the United Kingdom, Germany and Greece. However, we maintain that cooperation should be without strings attached and with respect to Namibia’s sovereignty.

NvK: As a member of the African Union you contribute to peace-keeping missions such as the United Nations - African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID). How important are such multinational operations for Namibia and will Namibia be able to extend its contributions to peace-keeping and stabilisation missions of the African Union in the future?

Namoloh: Namibia was partly a product of the international community. During the Liberation Struggle the international community gave us material, political and moral support and the UN played a midwife role when the United Nation Transitional Group (UNTAG) was deployed in Namibia. As citizens of the world, we feel that we have to contribute to international peace and security. Participating in peace support mission is the means for our country to contribute to international peace.

The Constitution of Namibia Article 96 (b) – (c) states: “The state shall endeavour to ensure that in its international relations it: (a) promotes international cooperation, peace and security; (b) creates and maintains just and mutually beneficial relations among nations.” Our participation in peace missions is not limited to the UN and the African Union. The SADC region is in the process of building the capacity of the SADC Standby Force which will be able to participate in peace support missions as part of the African Union Standby Force or on its own.

NvK: As our last question, we would like to ask what your personal visions and aims are for the future of the Namibian Defence Force.

Namoloh: The Vision of the NDF, as stated in the Defence Policy which was tabled in parliament early this year (2010), is “develop and maintain a small, highly mobile and professional force which excels in service through discipline, vigorous training and possession of modern armament”. My personal vision is to realise this dream.

NvK: Thank you very much, Mr Namoloh.

(This entry is an interview I originally made for the defence news site in March 2010. For a list of all interviews I made, please click here.)

[1] Maj.Gen. (rtd) Charles Namoloh (Ho-Chi-Minh) has been appointed Minister of Defence of the Republic of Namibia in 2005. Mr Namoloh’s military career began after going into exile to Zambia in 1974, where he quickly rose through SWAPO’s military ranks, becoming Plan Chief of Staff under General Dimo Hamaambo in 1979. He headed the SWAPO military team working with UNTAG and SADF/SWATF to form a new defence force during the transition to independence. In 1990 he was head of the defence force team that worked with the British Military Advisory Team to set up NDF structures. He served as Chief of Staff in the NDF under Army Commander Major General Solomon Hawala until 1995, when he was switched to a diplomatic post in warring Angola. After eight years in Luanda, during which Namibia sent soldiers into Angola to flush out Unita (1999-2000) forces, he was transferred to New Delhi and subsequently assumed his current office.
[2] Namibia today operates Russian Mi-35 Hind-Es (2), French SA 319 Alouette III’s (2), as well as Indian HAL Chetak (2) and one HAL Cheetah.
[3] The SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organization) is the governing political party in Namibia, evolving from the former liberation movement. It has been the governing party in Namibia since independence in 1990.

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